Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Lost Temple of Ra

Lost Temple of Ra

Travis TitanThief's Fantaboluos (NOT) Diary

March 3, 1935

I was confronted today by a famous archaeologist today who asked me of my many discoveries. Such as the lost toothpaste bottle (a toughy), the great dinosaur toy find (it was tricky taking it from that 4 year old), and the pointless one finding Cleopatra's tomb. He told me that I was so experienced he wanted me to find something that he had been looking for....The Lost Temple of Ra!!!!!!

He tells me it could be a great find.

I take the offer and begin searching.

Maybe its in here!!!!

Or not hmmmmm

Does anyone else see that door! I quickly got some rope and went down into it.

After falling I somehow fell into a secret island. Guarded by deep runes.

The combanation of lava and water must power the magic in the castle.

Uh, the gardener must have the week off.

Oh I can almost see the warriors that fought there years ago.

I wonder if any of these plants are poisinous....I am allergic to poison

Has other settled in this great temple since the owner died.

Seems they even planted stuff.

The greatest warrior shrine was magnificent.

I just saw one of the new inhabitants and now running.
What an amazing fountain!!!

This water is surprisingly clean.

Dare I  venture into that cave?

What lurks inside?

Oh just a harmless TIGER?!?!?!?!

After using my mad skills that are totally awesome and stuff I found a dungeon in the cave. (Travis just screamed and the tiger got scared)
Hand crafted dragon statues are such a marvel.

Oh my the trees are so exotic here.

Seems that was a small house; now ruined

I wonder if they worshipped dragons here?

It clearly has great workmanship.

The three guardians are symbols of preventing evil. *cough coguh* expensive  *cough cough*

Oh my this is quite an entrance.

Sand INSIDE!?!?! this is nothing like the brochure must have changed ownership.

I wonder how it all got in.

Still wondering......CHANGE THE PICTURE.


UH there should be a do not touch sign on that.

This must be a room that was never finished.

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Wow, that gardener failed at life...plants are even growing into this room

I caught a glimpse of a mysterious band.

Looks like they preform for the dead.

Uh isnt this the same picture.....

Does this plant make my head look fat?

Ooh the librarian is still working.

I wonder what knowledge I could learn here.

Oh a tranquial rock garden.

Ooh a shrine to a hamburger?

Wonder whats this way.....

If your lucky (like me) you may see the living rock.



Why can't I find Ra in this maze of a palace.

I have an urge to meditate.

Uh sacrafices happen here?

That must be Ra up there!!!! and his guardians.

I wonder how the grypons are still alive O:

Let me just open this casket.

This isnt Ra
I wonder whats in here?

Oh a dragon can I poke it?



A secret lair intresting.

Of all the treasures he has the nerve to bet cheap to me.

I wonder how much I could fit in my pockets.

Walking walking....

Who is this?
Succes a cheap picture of RA!!!!!

A lifeforce blade I will take it.

Yay I am a famous aarchaolgist now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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