Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wiz Wizards Episode 1 Info

By the looks of it Wiz Wizards will have a live showing so everyone is invited. The date set is this Saturday, the 13th (no Friday the 13th) at 6:30 EST, 7:30 CST, and 8:30 PST. I might have PST wrong. So we will meet in Golem Court if you want to come. Vamire Realm. If you do not show up to the Golem court you cannot get in because closed ports. I ask for everyone to please be respectful and no talking once the show starts besisdes rooting for yoru favorite player or HOST (me). Here is the banner!!!! Hope to see everyone there. And yes this will go on Youtube.


  1. Hmmm...if it's 6:30 Eastern won't it be 5:30 Central, 4:30 Mountain (GO MTN TIME!), and 3:30 Pacific?

  2. I'm REALLY sorry about this but ummmmm... well, I can't show up on Saturday I: I'm going to Hampton Beach with my family. If you can't rescheduel I could just show up on the second episode, might need a new contestant too, I feel REALLY REALLY bad.
    -See Ya in the Spiral, kinda :(


Wiz Wizards Game Show Coming Soon

Wiz Wizards Game Show Coming Soon